Sunday 1 March 2015

Charlie Smithers: Adventures in India - Another Great Review!

Thanks Viv!

5.0 out of 5 stars Funny, exciting, and hard to put down! February 28, 2015
Format:Kindle Edition
C.W. Lovatt is remarkable! Yet another wonderful treasure to read!

We continue to follow Charlie Smithers as he travels through India with a collection of characters ranging from bumbling idots to extremely conceited.

As before Charlie is almost killed by his gentleman, Lord Brampton as they head off to find a wild tiger. Lord Brampton is not one with good aim, except in his own mind, and comes close to killing Charlie.

They hear a scream and turn their attention to the direction it came from and all in the party headed out. They see a man's body laying on an offering stone and a woman tied to a stake. A man is getting ready to light the stake on fire when Lord Brampton decides to shoot him, misses and grazes the woman's arm. He runs to get her down and apologizes over and over again.

I could go on but I don't want to ruin it for you.

While reading "Charlie Smithes: Adventures in India" I laughed, shook my head at the shenanigans and ended up on the edge of my seat at times.

This is definitely a book I highly recommend. I know you'll love it. 

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